Brain STEMM Research and Education

BHAVI 2016 Prizes

BHAVI 2016 prize awards have been approved by BHA Directors.

K. G. Mann Prize
The Mann Prize honors the generous and caring mentorship of Kenneth G. Mann, his teaching of integrity and quality in research, and of humility and respect when interacting and collaborating with others. The 2016 K. G. Mann Prize ($2500) has been awarded to Adam Craig.
Siegler Sisters Prize
The Siegler Sisters Prize commemorates the commitment and creative contributions to the arts and sciences of the Siegler Sisters, Naomi Siegler Savage (1927 - 2005) and Elaine Siegler Taswell (1928 - 2003). The 2016 Siegler Sisters Prize ($2500) has been awarded to S Koby Taswell*.
G. H. Golub Prize
The Golub Prize commemorates the innovative leadership of Gene H. Golub (1932 - 2007) in the fields of scientific computing and computational mathematics, his lifelong collaborations with colleagues and students, and his support for the art and science of software engineering. The 2016 G. H. Golub Prize ($2500) has been awarded to Teja Veeramacheneni.

*Student has declined receipt of the cash award and donated the amount to BHA per conflict-of-interest policies on BHAVI students related to BHA directors.

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